When is a Best Interest Meeting needed?
Written by Hilary Cragg | Care Support Team | 13 May 2024
The question of when a Best Interest Meeting may be necessary is a common one. Best Interest Meetings are required in the event where decisions need to be made on behalf of individuals lacking the capacity to make these decisions themselves.
Some common situations that may warrant a Best Interest Meeting include:
Healthcare Decisions
When individuals are unable to consent to medical treatments or procedures due to mental incapacity, a Best Interest Meeting may be needed to determine the most appropriate course of action for their health and well-being.
Welfare and Care Arrangements
In cases where individuals require assistance with their daily living arrangements, such as accommodation, personal care, or social activities, a Best Interest Meeting can help establish suitable care plans that align with their preferences and needs.
Financial matters
When individuals are unable to manage their finances or make informed decisions about their assets and property, a Best Interest Meeting may be necessary to appoint a deputy or determine the best approach for managing their financial affairs.
Disputes or Disagreements
In situations where there are disagreements among family members, caregivers, or healthcare professionals regarding the best course of action for the individual lacking capacity, a Best Interest Meeting can provide a forum for resolving disputes and reaching an agreement.
Best Interest Meetings are important when it comes to making fair decisions on behalf of individuals lacking mental capacity that uphold their rights, dignity, and autonomy. By recognising the need for a Best Interest Meeting, participants can take proactive steps to ensure that vulnerable individuals receive the care, support, and protection they require.
If you’re looking for Best Interest Meeting legal representation in Plymouth, we can help. Hilary Cragg is a solicitor in our Care Support team can provide further information to support you and your loved ones. You can get in touch with her directly by calling 01752 827047 or emailing enquiries@nash.co.uk.
If you’re looking for representation at a Best Interests Meeting and you aren’t based in Plymouth or the surrounding areas, Hilary can still help. You can read Hilary’s article about how it is possible to receive remote representation here.
You can read more articles about Best Interest Meetings here.