How much is NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding?

Written by Hilary Cragg | Care Support Team | 13 May 2024

When it comes to accessing essential healthcare services, it’s important that you understand the financial aspects.

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding provides comprehensive care support for individuals with significant health needs. However, questions about the costs involved often arise.

What is the cost of NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding?

Put simply, there isn’t a fixed amount that can be applied to NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding.

This is determined by a comprehensive assessment of their care needs by a team of healthcare professionals who consider various factors, including the nature and complexity of the individual's health needs, the level of support required, and the impact of their condition on their daily functioning.

The significant benefit of NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is that it covers the entirety of care costs, which leaves both the individual and their loved ones free from the financial strain often associated with long-term care.

This also ensures that people with significant health needs are able to access the necessary care and support without facing barriers, such as affordability. Overall, NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding provides peace of mind and reassurance to both the individual and their loved ones.

What does NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding cover?

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding covers the full cost of care, including accommodation, personal care, and healthcare-related expenses. Unlike social care services provided by local authorities, which may involve means-tested contributions from individuals, NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is fully funded by the NHS.

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding offers financial security and stability for individuals with significant health needs and their families. This relief and peace of mind is invaluable and allows health and wellbeing to remain a priority.

If you or a loved one require ongoing care support and are concerned about the costs involved, Hilary Cragg, lawyer in our Care Support team, can provide you with guidance and assistance. You can get in touch with her directly by calling 01752 827047 or emailing

For further information about NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding, you can find more blogs here.


How do I apply for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding?


What is NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding?